Lucie Prod’homme

pedagogy / events

Composition, création sonore et improvisation

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Et hop, le site de la classe

As the head of the department of composition, creation and improvisation at Perpignan Conservatoire, Lucie Prod’homme organises many events, such as:

Oui à l’ouïe ! Contemporary music (electroacoustic and instrumental)

The Foliephonies annual concert series. With a theme centred on the works of a guest composer, the program includes concerts, master classes, and an introductory course on acousmatic interpretation… Featuring works by the guest composer and also compositions by students from composition classes in Perpignan and elsewhere.

For example the Foliephonies XX ELLES from March 7 to 11, 2023, around female composers, with Marie-Hélène Bernard as guest

Vidéo de Oui à l’ouie  du 14 janvier 2021 

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 L’organisation de master class.

Sound installations in various places, such as the central library in Perpignan.

Les concerts à L’ANTROPO, Perpignan, pour des Anthropophonies régulières.

Anthrophonies  du 30 mai 2020

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… wherever possible, or impossible, or unexpected.

For these projects she regularly publishes national and international calls for works, directed towards her co-teachers of electroacoustic composition. She also collaborates regularly with instrumentalist teachers to program mixed and instrumental works composed by students in the department of composition, creation and improvisation, or to perform works from the contemporary repertoire.

From 2008 to 2014 she was responsible for the programming of the Acousmonautes concerts, in the PACA region, in “real” concert halls and in all sorts of other places …

With for example :

Les Foliephonies - Auditorium de la Cité de la Musique Marseille. Une fois par trimestre, ces concerts proposaient des œuvres d’un compositeur invité et des pièces d’étudiants.

Tintamarre pour les 60 ans, puis les 61 ans... de la musique concrète. Chaque année, un film, un concert et des travaux d’étudiants (installations, colonisations sonores...) à la médiathèque de la cité de la musique de Marseille.

Musique de chambre électroacoustique, Marseille. Programmation régulière chez Urban Gallery qui accueillait environ trois concerts par an.

And depending on available opportunities, in all sorts of places, such as the Vasarely foundation, the Grain de sable (restaurant), the library in Cuges-les-Pins …

Vidéo Tintamarre #4 

Homage to the birth of concrete music, with film projections and electroacoustic compositions.

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And according to the opportunities, in all kinds of places, such as Urban Gallery Marseille, the Vasarely foundation, the grain of sand (restaurant), the media library of Cuges-les-Pins...
